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Signs telemedicine psychiatry may be right for you
February 11, 2022 at 2:00 PM
A girl accessing telemedicine psychiatry services

Virtual services are becoming increasingly popular across nearly every industry, and healthcare is no exception. Today, patients can access a range of psychiatry services from a licensed professional no matter where they are located. At Synchronous Mental Health, we have embraced technology as a way of connecting our patients with psychiatrists via video conferencing.

Telemedicine psychiatry offers many benefits that traditional, in-person appointments do not. If you are not sure whether virtual psychiatry services are right for you, continue reading to learn a few signs that indicate whether or not our services may be a suitable option.

You suffer from severe depression or anxiety

Depression and anxiety affect a large portion of the American population, and can be completely debilitating at times. Sufferers often struggle to find the motivation to leave their homes, or feel overwhelmed with anxiety when forced to go out in public. Those with severe social anxiety may also avoid interacting with new people, such as the administrative staff working in a mental health clinic. As a result, patients often miss appointments or give up on their psychiatric services altogether. If this sounds like you, virtual psychiatry may be the perfect alternative to in-person sessions. At Synchronous Mental Health, we connect our patients with highly educated clinicians online, without ever asking them to leave the comfort of their own home.

You are unhappy with your current psychiatrist

Changing caregivers can be uncomfortable, and it is not always easy to identify the qualities you are looking for in a new psychiatrist. Connecting with mental health professionals on a digital platform offers the added simplicity of communicating online rather than in person. Additionally, telemedicine psychiatry services typically provide access to a wider network of caregivers than you would find working in a physical clinic. Therefore, patients have the option to change psychiatrists as many times as necessary until they connect with someone who they feel comfortable with. At Synchronous Mental Health, our team is here to support our patients by encouraging them to provide feedback and reach out in the event that a service is not working for them.

You live in a remote area

Not only does telemedicine psychiatry benefit sufferers of mental health disorders in an emotional capacity, but it also offers the practical benefit of catering to the patient’s physical location. Those living in rural places do not typically have access to the same network of mental health services as those living in urban areas. Telehealth services make it possible for individuals suffering from mental health issues to reach out and receive professional care. Our patients can access all of the same psychiatric services they would expect in person no matter where they live. Such services include talk therapy, medication management, and more. We are licensed to provide health care services in Oregon, Washington, Florida, Texas, and Arizona.

You wish to simplify the referral process

Patients who suffer from serious illnesses such as bipolarism, panic disorder, or severe depression are often referred to external physicians for specialized care. Moving to various healthcare facilities can be stressful and time-consuming. At Synchronous Mental Health, our telemedicine services make it easy for psychiatrists to refer patients to other health care professionals, as all sessions are conducted online. Our simple online system encourages patients to fine tune their health care services and ensure they get the best possible care.

Are you looking for a convenient way to access psychiatric health services? If any of the aforementioned signs apply to you, it may be the right time to try telemedicine psychiatry. Contact us today to learn more about our virtual services or to schedule your first session.