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How do psychiatric evaluations help you?
May 2, 2022 at 4:00 AM
A therapist's office.

When your mental health is disrupted, it can spell devastating consequences for various elements of your life, including personal relationships, work, and virtually anything else. Mental health challenges can be particularly difficult to overcome when you don’t fully understand them and don’t have a clear path to follow that can help you resolve them. If this is your situation, receiving a psychiatric evaluation may be the foundation you need for an effective treatment plan.

A psychiatric evaluation is an initial assessment conducted by a mental health professional to get a sense of your symptoms and begin to determine their root cause. They take your physical and mental health history, current medications, and past treatments into account. They’re also an opportunity to learn more about you, your personal circumstances, the concerns you have about your mental health, and the goals you hope to achieve through treatment.

Effective psychiatric help starts with an evaluation because it can help build the basic foundation of your treatment plan going forward. By establishing an understanding of what kinds of symptoms you’re dealing with, what your personal and medical history looks like, and what sort of outcome you ultimately want through getting treated, an evaluation can allow you and the mental health professional you’re working with to outline how you plan to tackle your challenges going forward from an informed point of view.

Creating a blueprint for your mental health treatment

Psychiatric evaluations are comprehensive in terms of accounting for the details of your current mental health problems, background, and goals. This amount of information allows a mental health professional to get a clear sense of the factors that could be contributing to the issues you’re dealing with and how those issues would need to change in order for you to reach the goals you’re targeting.

In this way, an evaluation can effectively act as your blueprint for a treatment plan going forward. It offers an effective starting point for tackling the apparent causes of your mental health troubles and keeps your treatment strategy focused on the outcome you want. Your evaluation helps to determine an ideal starting approach to everything from psychotherapy to medication management and physical health and wellness.

Helping you understand your personal challenges

You may begin your mental health treatment with a fairly vague sense of the nature of your problem, particularly if you’ve never actually attempted to get treated or haven’t been evaluated before. In the same way that an evaluation offers an effective starting point for the professional treating you, it’s also a place from which you can begin to better understand these issues yourself and consider the personal challenges that may be contributing to them.

Mental health problems can arise from a variety of different places. It could be friction or tragic circumstances related to a close family member, friend, or loved one, growing doubts about your place at work or school, medication you’ve regularly taken over a period of time, or any number of other circumstances that cause ripple effects in other areas of life. When you don’t have much information about the mental challenges you’re dealing with, it’s harder to connect them to other parts of your life that could be contributing to them.

Get a psychiatric evaluation through Synchronous Mental Health

Your mental health has wide-reaching impacts on every other aspect of your life. The best first step to improving it is to understand it and the circumstances that may be negatively impacting it. You can take that first step and start treating your mental health problems from an informed place with a psychiatric evaluation through Synchronous Mental Health. To get started, schedule an appointment with us now, or contact us for more information about our services.