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Welcome to Synchronous Mental Health!
September 2, 2020 at 9:00 AM
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Synchronous Mental Health is ready to become your mental health provider.

According to the Portland, Oregon area is struggling to find providers to meet the needs.

The statistics are disconcerting:

❖ One in 18.5 adult Oregonians suffers from a mental illness;
❖ One in about 9 children in Oregon suffer from severe emotional disturbance;
❖ Heroin-related deaths continue to ascend in Oregon;
❖ Suicide is the leading cause of death among Oregon veterans aged 45 and younger;
❖ Portland suicides are three times the national rate, according to the PPB.

Reaching out and giving back to the community is one of the reasons Samuel Joseph “Joe” Sarvis PMHNP, started Synchronous Mental Health.

Located at conveniently located at 5263 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR 97211

Contact Us to Learn More!

Phone: 503-217-4455 Fax: 971-254-2644